Monday, July 23, 2012

What is your favorite thing you saw in the Kaheka (tidepool), and where did you find it?

La'akea Waipa (8 yrs)- "I found it on the huge, huge rock, and it was a collection sea urchin".

Thomas Decoito (10 yrs)- "The brittle star and it was under the rock".

Lomani Ontiveros (8 yrs)- "I saw a loli and it was under the rock".

Olili'u Wise (4 yrs)- "The crab on the rock".

Ali'iloa Waipa (9 yrs)- "The puhi and it was in a hole"

Apolei Carvalho (6 yrs)- "The loli, and I found it under the rock"

Megan Decoito (12 yrs)-"The spikey sea cucumber and it was in the shallow under the rock".

Honokea Lindsey (4 yrs)- "The crab, it was behind aunty Kari on the green rock. I picked it up".

Hi'ilei Waipa (9 yrs)- "The wana under the rock and I picked it up with the tongs".

'Imiloa Waipa (11 yrs)- "The puhi it was in the little crack under the rock".

Kahia'ai Ahuna (5 yrs)- "Ka pe'ape'a ma ke ako'ako'a".

Jacob Decoito (6 yrs)- "Under the rock, it was a fish"

Sila Ontiveros (4 yrs)- "I Just swim and I see the crab"

'Awai Waipa (5 yrs)- "The sea cucumber under the rock"

Mahie Kelekolio (7 yrs)- "'A'ama ma lalo o ka pohaku, ka i'a, ka ina"

Kawena Kelekolio (4 yrs)- " A fish in the pool"

Caitlyn Hauanio (12 yrs)- "The loli and it was laying around on the sand"

Joshua Hauanio (4 yrs)- "I saw a pe'ape'a and it came from the rock!

Wai'olu Gibson (4 yrs)- "I saw a hermit crab on the rocks walking"

Kauhiwaikoa Carvalho (4 yrs)- "Under the rock I saw a crab, a red one"

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